Greer--Benny Creek Campground

Greer--Benny Creek Campground

Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests Greer, Arizona 85927

Official Website
Benny Creek Campground map

Tips for Birding

Breeding warblers include Red-faced, Virginia, Grace’s, MacGillivray’s, and Olive. Band-tailed Pigeons and Clark’s Nutcrackers are often seen flying overhead, while Dusky Grouse and Northern Goshawk skulk in the forest. Look also for several species of woodpeckers, American Dipper, Dusky Flycatcher, and others. Magnificent Hummingbird has been reported from area feeders in years past.

About this Location

The campground is situated on a bench above Benny Creek, within walking distance of Bunch Reservoir (Greer Lakes). Sites are fairly open, under a canopy of ponderosa pine. Abert squirrels and chipmunks are common campground residents.

Directions from Greer: Go 2.5 miles north on AZ-373 and you will find the campground just off the road.

Content from Official Website and Northern Arizona Audubon Society