Petrified Forest NP--Tiponi Point

About this Location

Named for the Hopi corn goddess symbol, Tiponi Point provided our first views of the pink, red, brown, and orange hills of Arizona’s Painted Desert. In stark contrast to the blue skies overhead, the colorful rolling hills, mesas, and buttes took our breath away.

About Petrified Forest National Park

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Petrified Forest was set aside as a national monument in 1906 to preserve and protect the petrified wood for its scientific value. It is recognized today for having so much more, including a broad representation of the Late Triassic paleo-ecosystem, significant human history, clear night skies, fragile grasslands ecosystem, and unspoiled scenic vistas.

Scientific studies are ongoing at the park. Paleontologists find new fossils, including new species of plants and animals, each year. Biologists study living plants and animals, including vegetation surveys and reptile, amphibian, and mammal projects. Air quality, weather, and seismic monitoring stations constantly generate new data.

Content from Petrified Forest National Park Official Website, Tiponi Point blog post, and Northern Arizona Audubon Society