Collins Cove

Collins Cove

Salem, Massachusetts 01970

Official Website

About this Location

Collins Cove is a small inlet of water located in the city of Salem. It is bordered by the historic Salem Common, the Salem Maritime National Historic Site, and the Peabody Essex Museum. Collins Cove is a popular destination for boating, fishing, and kayaking, as well as for enjoying the scenic views of the harbor and the historic buildings. Collins Cove is home to Salem Willows Park, a public park that features an amusement park, a beach, and a pier. Collins Cove was used as a port for trade and commerce during the colonial period. It was the site of the infamous Salem Witch Trials, where many accused witches were hanged or drowned in the cove. 

Collins Cove in Salem has a park and a beach that provide access to view birds in the cove.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Last updated January 16, 2024