Chemung State Forest, Meredith

Chemung State Forest, Meredith

Meredith, New Hampshire 03253

About this Location

Chemung State Forest is 385 acres.

Stoney Brook is the second largest prime wetland in Meredith and is named for the stream that flows from Mud Pond (south of Lake Wicwas) to Lake Winnisquam through Chemung State Forest. It contains a very visible wetland resource that has become well-known as the place to see great blue herons nesting. Most of the Stoney Brook wetland lies along the edge of Chemung Road, although Tucker Mountain Road and Weed Road cross portions of it as well. This wetland is also highly valued for wildlife as it includes the aforementioned heron rookery, a mix of coniferous and deciduous forests suitable for wintering deer, and an excellent stream habitat for brook trout. Limited pollution concerns arise from adjacent roadways and residential development. Chemung State Forest protects nearly two-thirds of this wetland area.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Natural Resources Inventory of the Town of Meridith, pages 32-33

Last updated November 6, 2023