Chaffee Wildlife Sanctuary, Lyme

Chaffee Wildlife Sanctuary, Lyme

Lyme, New Hampshire 03768

Official Website
Chaffee Wildlife Sanctuary brochure and map

About this Location

The Alder swamp is a common shrub-dominated wetland found in every town in the Upper Valley region. Alder swamps often occur alongside lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. Because they are often flooded, and their soils are saturated with water, these swamps favor plant species that can tolerate submerged roots, like speckled alder, a variety of willows, and red-osier dogwood. These swamps are important habitats for a variety of insects, birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians The Chaffee Wildlife Sanctuary, named for the first director of the Montshire Museum, is managed by the Lyme Conservation Commission to protect wildlife habitat and native riparian vegetation, particularly for birds; guard water quality in the brooks and pond, and provide low-impact public recreational access to wetlands and trails.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated November 9, 2023