Exeter River from Pickpocket Dam, Exeter

Exeter River from Pickpocket Dam, Exeter

Exeter, New Hampshire 03833

Tips for Birding

About this Location

The Exeter River is a 40-mile-long river in New Hampshire that flows into the Squamscott River at the town of Exeter. One of the landmarks along the river is the Pickpocket Dam, a historic structure that was built in 1831 to provide water power for mills. The dam has been a source of controversy in recent years, as some environmental groups have advocated for its removal to restore the natural flow and habitat of the river. The dam also creates a scenic view of the river from the Pickpocket Road bridge, where visitors can see the water cascading over the spillway.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Last updated October 23, 2023