El Morro NM

About this Location

While small in area (1,278 acres), El Morro National Monument offers visitors a chance to encounter a variety of flora and fauna, as well as an array of geological and astronomical wonders.

A variety of plant and animal life can be found at the monument, including many rare or unexpected living treasures. The bluff itself is primarily Zuni Sandstone and was part of an ancient sand dune field that covered most of the Four Corners area millions of years ago. It is capped by a darker sandstone layer called Dakota Sandstone. In addition to the geologic makeup of El Morro, the soil in the monument is often composed of a living, fragile soil crust known as cryptobiotic soil.

The variety of habitats within El Morro offers birding enthusiasts an opportunity to see birds aplenty. More than 180 species have been documented at the monument, and depending on the season, there is no telling what you may encounter. Raptors, woodpeckers, tanagers, warblers, wrens, and more can be found while wandering the trails. Bring your binoculars and camera, ask for a birding checklist at the Visitor Center, and keep a sharp lookout while strolling the trails.

One of the birds that visitors frequently see (and hear) at El Morro is the common raven (Corvus corax). Don’t let that name fool you though, because ravens are anything but common and are among the smartest of all birds. Ravens are larger than crows (often weighing four times more than a crow) and have shaggy throat feathers that are noticeable especially when they are vocalizing.

Ravens are considered omnivores, but they mainly eat meat and scavenge for carrion, forage in garbage piles, and prey on rodents and the eggs and nestlings of other birds. Sometimes they will eat seeds and grain. Ravens are acrobatic flyers, and you can sometimes see them doing somersaults, rolls, and even flying upside down! Ravens appear in numerous Native American stories and legends.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated September 19, 2023