Jackson Trail

Jackson Trail

Weybridge, Vermont 05753

Official Website
Trail Around Middlebury map

About this Location

Begin at the Trail Around Middlebury (TAM) parking area on the south side of VT-23, 1.5 miles north at the junction with VT-125 in Middlebury Village. Cross VT-23 and start this enjoyable hike by climbing the stile over the fence near the north side of VT-23. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself among cows! Follow the TAM signs to the lower end of a small gorge through which a seasonal stream runs. The trail runs north along the stream bank within the gorge for the first mile, then emerges into a meadow before intersecting Hamilton Road. Turn right onto Hamilton Road and walk 200 yards east to the Johnson Trailhead and parking area on your left.

Notable Trails

The Jackson Trail is on the Trail Around Middlebury (TAM).

Length: 1.9 miles.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Trail Finder website

Last updated October 8, 2023