Morristown Town Forest

About this Location

In 1856 the Vermont legislature dissolved the town of Sterling. It was divided amongst 4 neighboring towns: Morristown, Stowe, Johnson, and Cambridge. The remoteness of the Morristown section, and in particular one 340-acre area, continued to be a problem for 100 years. At one time there were as many as six homesteads in the area but by the 1950’s it had been reduced to two families and when Town Road 43 washed out in the mid-’50s (also cutting off Town Road 42), the Town of Morristown decided to buy out the properties rather than repair the roads. The property purchased was used to establish the Morristown Town Forest in the very late 1950s. In the 1970s the roads were designated for snowmobile use and the last remaining house was used as a snowmobile clubhouse. It later burned leaving only stone walls and foundations as reminders that people had ever lived in this area. Besides the stone cellar holes you will see stone walls that serve as road right-of-way, property lines, and lot lines of the original sections of Sterling. White signs with black numbers on trees mark the original lot lines. The Morristown Conservation Committee is now working to identify and preserve the history of the area. A trail map, guide, and history brochure has been created and is available at the gate and numbered markers will soon identify historic sites.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated October 14, 2023