Ethan Allen East Peak

Ethan Allen East Peak

Duxbury, Vermont 05676

Ethan Allen East Peak blog post

About this Location

Ethan Allen Mountain and Ethan Allen East Peak are located in Duxbury and also in Camels Hump State Forest. There are several trails that you can take to reach the summit of Ethan Allen Mountain, which has views from several areas on the summit and also from the Long Trail. The summit of Ethan Allen East Peak is wooded and viewless. There are also no trails that go to Ethan Allen East Peak so a lengthy bushwhack is required.

Notable Trails

See Ethan Allen East Peak blog post for a description of a hike in this area.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Ethan Allen East Peak blog post

Last updated October 10, 2023