White River WMA

Birds of Interest

Turkey and ruffed grouse occur and may be hunted in season. Look for kingfishers foraging along the river. State-endangered ospreys have also been seen along the river. A variety of songbirds, both year-round residents and neo-tropical migrants, can be seen and heard in the forest.

About this Location

White River Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is a 624-acre parcel located in the town of Sharon, Vermont. It is owned by the State of Vermont and managed by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department. The Department does not own the timber rights on most of the property.

White River WMA is open to hunting, trapping, fishing, hiking, and wildlife viewing. The White River forms parts of the eastern and northern borders. Route 14 provides access along the eastern edge of the WMA. Billings Hill is at the northwest corner.

The topography of the White River WMA is hilly and mountainous with elevations ranging from approximately 320 feet along the White River to approximately 1150 feet near Billings Hill. The higher elevation areas are precipitous and ledgy. A portion of the White River flows through the WMA, and a picturesque brook flows in an easterly direction through the central portion. A deer-wintering area can be found on the southeast slope of Billings Hill.

The WMA is mostly forested with a mix of red and sugar maple, yellow birch, beech, and hemlock.

Rare species include Garber’s Sedge (Carex garberi) and Muskflower (Mimulus moschatos). Sticky False Asphodel (Tofieldia glutinosa) occurs nearby along the river. The river bottomlands are a calcareous riverside seep natural community. A sugar maple–ostrich fern riverine flood plain forest can also be found along the bank of the White River.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from White River Wildlife Management Area guide and map

Last updated December 3, 2023